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If you have purchased and installed a theme from ipsfocus, feel free to mention your URL in this topic to showcase your site.

This topic isn't intended as an advertisement area - it should only be used to showcase themes so potential customers can see what they look like on a real community. Modified themes are encouraged since it will not only show the flexibility of these themes, but it'll also show your creativity! ;)

If you'd like to showcase your site here, please make sure your ipsfocus theme is set as the default theme and please only post your URL if your content is appropriate for all ages! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Screenshot removed*

This is (the old style it appears) Chameleon Dark theme on a Star Wars based RP site. All space type backgrounds, which really compliment the white (though will probably look just as good with the new colours).

Feel free to have a look/ steal formatting ideas if you want at Star Wars: Legends & Legacies. The images on the forums descriptions need a bit of work on the front page (I think they need to be made smaller) but otherwise I'm quite proud of how it looks.

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  • 2 months later...

The Pipe Stand is my pipe site for the Brothers of the Briar (a fancy name for pipe smokers).

I've only had it up a little over a week, and am still working on tweaking the style (Chameleon) and generating content.  It's nothing fancy yet - I'm a long time XenForo admin so IPS is a learning experience - even though I've had the IPS script for over a year now I never really used it much as I was not happy the the 4.0 line.  Another turn off for me was I purchased a theme/style from another vendor and it ended up being a veritable horror story.  Trying to fix all of it just left a bad outlook on IPS script.  I finally broke down and decided to get Chameleon - which I had been looking at almost since day 1.  








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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Hey guys! Just converted the FZ-07 Forum  from Proboards to SMF, then used the IPS SMF converter and set it up on Shift theme. 

I have alot of work to do to it. But just the converting and late night bug fixes has me wore out and confused on what to do next. 

I'd love any opinions and suggestions. 

After I get Shift the way that I want it, I will purchase a dark theme too. Members like options. 

The adsense is invisible to Premium members. I will probably move the sidebar banner down under content. 


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