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Another great skin from ipbforumskins.com!


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I would just like to leave my thanks here to Ehren from IPBForumSkins for yet another awesome skin.

I have been a forum owner for practically as long as Ehren has been doing business, and have always been pleased with his work! Ehren thanks for the great quality skins and customer service, I haven't seen anything even close to the amount of not on great graphic work that you do, but also how you help your customers out. It's truly amazing to believe that this is all being owned and run by one person! IPBForumSkins has been my skin-shop for over the past 3 years, and it will continue to be in the future.

To anyone that is wondering about getting a skin, don't be worried! Ehren is a great person when it comes to customer service! Always good response times, great advice, and also open to lend a helping hand if it's related to a skin that you've bought. I've never been told that I couldn't be helped if it was anything related to a skin for my IPB Board! That's something I doubt other skin-shops just can't compete with!

Thanks for the quality skin like always Ehren.

Satisfied Customer,

David K.

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