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joey_m last won the day on June 1 2023

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  1. I have family who moved to Australia in the 80s that sound more Ozzy, @Ehren. Are you giving it your full accent or holding back?
  2. Firstly, I didn't imagine that's how you sounded. @Ehren (might sound strange to say). You did a great job with the presentation. Unfortunately, you've done to me what the folding Samsung advert claims to do to people who don't have a foldable phone. It's made me more excited about v5, it looks so fresh and modern, a lot more encouraging to get people involved and active. All the devs have done a great job too, plus I am loving the darker IPS style which reminds me of v3 (maybe v3.2). PS. I thought for some reason you were American, but I didn't think you sounded it (this explains my opening comment). You sound like you have a faith Australian accent. which comes to me as a surprise. I was particularly drawn to the South Wales section of the insight v5, which captured my attention. Great hob, great voice over!
  3. When I upgraded to 4.7.8, it warned me about my skins being out of date. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong, even the issue with signing in has been fixed and doesn't happen on any of the installed skins I have. Just confirm no changes are needed. Thanks Ehren.
  4. I don't see your default forum URL in this screenshot. Have you already tried to change it? The Real URL would be "app=forums&module=forums&controller=index" If you would like, I wouldn't mind taking a look for you? PM your URL and ACP creditials, I'll take a look and hopefully sort it out for you.
  5. You can change the FURL's via the ACP. Search FURL in the ACP, then click "[System] Customize Friendly URLs". @zlitz: Then search the FURLs for 'forum' in the "Search Friendly URLs" box. You can then tweak the default URL for the forums' app. Just keep in mind you will most likely require editing the topic URL and others. I have mine set to something different. If this doesn't work, there's another trick, but it involves resetting all your existing changes, but I assume you haven't added any.
  6. Well worth taking up if anyone is reading this comment, and hasn't already bought an IPS Focus theme.
  7. The styles and, cleanness of the designs are top-notch here. I am a sucker for white space, or areas that can be removed without noticing. It's never an issue with IPS Focus, I have opted to use themes from here for exactly the reasons outlined by the original poster.
  8. Stunning! I checked the marketplace on IPS, noticed 'Illuminate' and thought to myself - "I've never heard that name before". I am extremely happy to see a new release, it's something very welcoming! Great job on the design too, it looks very clean.
  9. I love 4.6, but it's been a nightmare to migrate servers with [I should note it's not 4.6's exact fault]. Yet I keep encountering issue after issue when it comes to upgrading plugins, it's made me decide to cut down on them and only use things which are a must.
  10. joey_m


    What do you mean by customisations? I don't have any recommendations, but perhaps you could explain what you seek or mean? I assume you're preferring to templates that makes the IP.Pages articles different. There's a few, but it all depends on style and taste.
  11. This method can be used to add customised group icons per theme, it's especially useful for the PRO version of the IPS Focus. Originally shared by Newbie LAC over on IPS - https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/458885-group-team-icons-per-theme/?do=findComment&comment=2833179 Simply login into your ACP > Themes > Theme Resources When adding your first group icon, you should follow these settings. Then add: .cAuthorGroupIcon[src*="admin.png"] { content:url({resource="gicons/filename.png" app="core" location="front"}); } Make sure that the 'filename.png' is amended to show the correct file name. Next: Repeat the same process as above for other group icons, however, select 'choose existing folder' as you have already created one. Select existing folder 'gicons'. Then upload the alternative icons. Make sure you swap out the names per each group, ensuring the code above is modified for each icon you wish to use. src*="admin.png" must be swapped out per each icon. example gmod.png for global moderators (ensure you check your existing group icon titles) { content:url({resource="gicons/admin_dark.png" app="core" location="front"}); } defines where your new upload can be reached, ensure "admin_dark.png" is the name of the actual file in which you upload. Once you have added each group icon to your custom.css and, included the resources for the theme - you should see the result in which you seek. Note: It's useful to comment out each different item in which you add to your custom.css This is useful so that you can identify areas within the custom changes that you have made, but also it helps third-party devs locate them too. /* Add Appropriate Title */ If you choose to do this, make sure it starts before the CSS and after.
  12. Not many left now, Ehren. I bet you'll be glad once you have finished all the framework for 4.5, just those individual updates then. You've done a great job.
  13. joey_m

    4.5 theme releases

    Yes, you will gain access to the latest version.
  14. That's a blast from the past @Ero-Neko, I seem to recall Skinbox re-creating old styles of IPS classic themes. I used to have themes by Tom Christian if I recall right, he had some nice features but I found them to be very choppy and having a lot of white space (which tends to annoy me). There's some great designers though who work on third-party themes, but other the years I have fallen mad about the ones on offer here.
  15. joey_m

    4.5 theme releases

    @SC36DC: Do you think the image could be edited itself? If so, I might be able to create a dark alternative of the file for you.
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